What an ill-mannered daughter, how dare she behave like that in front of her father! No wonder he decided to punish her and pull her on his dick. It's worth giving this girl credit - both her figure and face are beautiful, but her behavior and character, there's a problem with that. Her father should punish her more often.
Well, he doesn't look like a Mormon, he's too good-looking and well-groomed. But the hooker girls are really cute. For some reason I liked the darker one the most, even though she looks like a simpleton, and overweight, as opposed to the blonde's model-like appearance. But she's more of a homebody. They could get along with that Mormon. Yeah, and she sucks at the end pretty good. The other Mormon, who had been sitting on the chair masturbating the whole time, instead of joining in, was funny.
Oh, I would fuck her.